Week ending July 25



The TYPO3 CMS team has worked intensively to create a proposal for a cleaner, understandable, less stressing and more consistent release cycle for the TYPO3 CMS product after the 6.2 LTS release. The new release concept should provide benefits for agencies, developers and the project at the same time.

After this long preparation, discussion and refinement, the TYPO3 Community was asked to vote on the new concept. Unfortunately the doodle used for polling was "vandalized" and is now closed. The results until midday were pretty clear and fully in support for the Blueprint (105 YES, 4 NO).

Currently a discussion is going on whether or not and in what way a re-run of the voting is going to be done due to this vandalisation.


Michael Schams published a new TYPO3-on-AWS machine image: TYPO3 6.2.4 onDebian 7.6 now available at Amazon Marketplace.

Bitnami also updated its TYPO3 installer and VM to version 6.2.4, which can be found at https://bitnami.com/stack/typo3

TYPO3 Neos

There is now a list available of Neos websites on neos.typo3.org. http://neos.typo3.org/demo/neos-references.html

Mozilla Open Badges

Christopher Hlubek now made the second part of TypoScript 2 in Action available on learn-neos.com, which code exercises in TypoScript 2 that involve FlowQuery. When you have successfully gone through the 8 exercises you can  claim your FlowQuery Fu Badge at Mozilla Open Badges.

Mozilla Open Badges is definitely something worthwhile looking into for the TYPO3 community on a broader scale.

TYPO3 Association

No need to report in full here anymore on what is up with the TYPO3 Association as Naike Begiatto and Stefan Busemann have caught the writing virus. In July's Dairy they write about the TYPO3 trademark, Open Expo - Madrid, the Agency Meetups, communication and the work of the committees ('official' association teams).

If you have any TYPO3 Association related questions please kindly contact Stefan or Naike.

Budget Application 2015

For the upcoming budget process, that started August 1, the TYPO3 Association came up with the motto: "Committed to contribution". It expresses the mutual promise that is taken by the budget seeking applicant and the TYPO3 Association. Deadline for submission is September 19.

You can find all important dates and the download from in the recently published news article 'Committed to contribution - submit your 2015 budget application now!'.


T3DUST (September 20 - 27, Festenburg, Upper Harz, Germany)

It is not a camp, not a conference, not a user group, but it is definitely very important to the TYPO3 community giving a lot of motivation for jointly dealing with TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 NEOS issues giving our products a competitive edge. Organised by Kay Strobach, Thomas Deuling and the lovely couple Jo and Petra Hasenau, T3DUST will include distributions as one of the key aspects of this week long sprint. The focus of this event moves away from pure backend coding in favor of well thought out concepts and designs for usability solutions and themes.

T3DUST stands for TYPO3 Distributions, Usability Solutions and Themes 2014. In an underlying metaphor T3DUST also means cleaning up some old and dusty things and giving them a shiny and new look.

30 people will be invited to form 5 teams to join together in a remote location in Upper Harz. On average each team consists of 3 coders ideally covering both NEOS and CMS, 2 designers and 1 project manager. The teams for the distribution tasks will need less coder, but more copywriters.

The event aims to involve more users and less developers in order to get feedback from real life projects. The teams will deal with one pre-defined task that will already have undergone preparation time. The rest of the event's agenda will be defined by the participants on location.


It is great to see the website of TYPO3camp Mallorca built in TYPO3 Neos and a nice website the folks from Pagemachine have built indeed.

TYPO3camp Bremen (August 8 - 10)

The TYPO3 Association offers a preparation workshop to provide future integrators with all the information and materials they need to pass the “Certified TYPO3 Integrator” exam successfully at the TYPO3Camp Bremen.

The workshop will take place just before the TYPO3camp on August 8th 2014 at 14:30h. It will be hosted by hmmh multimediahaus AG, Am Weser-Terminal 1, 28217 Bremen. Thanks guys for sponsoring the location!

TYPO3camp Poland (November 21 - 22, Poznan)

It is great to announce another international TYPO3camp in Poland. The conference will be in Poznan again, this time also at a university, but another university than last year. This time the private university "WSNHiD", which has a great Computer Science Division, will be hosting the TYPO3camp. The university provides a great environment, including lecture and workshop rooms for this event.

What is also worth mentioning is that starting October, TYPO3 will be lectured on the "CMS" course for computer science students. A collaboration between WSNHiD and Macopedia, organiser of the event and industry partner of this university, made this possible.


In the (long) weekend of July 24 - 27 there were two code sprints running simultaneously.

It was already the fifth time this year a TYPO3 CMS code sprint was held, this time hosted by cron.eu in Stuttgart.

The AOE offices in Wiesbaden provided the stage for the second typo3.org code sprint this year. The team is running smoothly, in an atmosphere of friendship and is fully accustomed to working Kanban style. The team closed some 33 issues. A full list of the tackled issues can be found on the team's Forge project.

Christian Zenker, technical lead of the T3O project lets us know that the most notable point probably is that the team finally got all parts together enabling to mark and display outdated extensions in TER. An extension is considered outdated if it does not depend on any of the currently supported TYPO3 Versions (4.5, 6.x). These extensions are not displayed in the search by default, but there is a checkmark to enable searching for them. A test run showed that about 1.000 Extensions in the TER are not outdated (out of a total of 6.000). 1000 is still an impressive number.

The team also went on with cleaning up the installation by removing extensions that are no longer considered needed in the typo3.org installation. Parallel to that inline Typoscript was cleaned. In case you find anything that looks odd or broken afterwards, please let us know in the bugtracker.

The registration form for the Professional Service Listing (PSL) was reintegrated again. It is again possible to apply as an agency for being listed on typo3.org. The PSL Team will take care of updating all the texts and re-enabling the form in the next days.

Three security issues regarding the TER and search were fixed.

The Certified Integrators Listing also got some bugfixes. The certification end date should now be displayed correctly.

Rendering of HTML content in the RSS Feeds was improved. RSS Feed Readers should now display links in texts correctly.

The Flattr button in TER was fixed.

Due to an API Update of the Flickr API in end of June, the Flickr stream on the community page was disabled. We updated the API and the images show up again.

RabbitMQ got better integrated. Extension uploads, registration of keys and the like are now written to the queue, so other projects (like documentation rendering) can now listen to it.

Also great progress in getting an official form on typo3.org to report spam was made. It will not be publicly available yet, because there is still a lot to do. But the basic idea is that everyone can report spam on any of the official typo3.org sites caused by a registered user on typo3.org. Trusted users can review and confirm these reports. Removal of the spam will be automatic in the future, but that is one of the points that needs more work at the moment.

Christian Händel, on behalf of the marketing team, worked on t3blog.com. T3blog is the semi-official reference list of TYPO3 websites. Christian removed the flash headers and added quite a number of new references. Most of the recent entires are here: http://www.t3blog.com/home/blog-post/2014/7.html

Christian also added some changes to the homepage adding the TYPO3 Flow and Neos logo and adding 3 smaller banner sections that will allow us to give extra attention to features or upcoming events.

The whole team really felt that the last sprint was a successful one, and the list of closed issues is proof of this.

The team is preparing for the update to TYPO3 CMS 6.2 in October / November. During the past sprints an assesment was already made. In October the team starts with a distributed preparation weekend followed two weeks later by a four day sprint for the update and adapting all extensions to work with TYPO3 CMS 6.2.

Besides the monthly meetings (every 14th of the month) Tomas is taking the lead in organising T3O Developer Days to work on our community tools in between the sprints.

So thanks to everyone who attended the sprint: Ben van 't Ende, Björn Jacob, Philipp Gampe, Christian Händel, Kai Ole Hartwig, Rüdiger Marwein, Tomas Norre Mikkelsen, Sascha Marcel Schmidt, Christian Zenker.

Björn, Christian H., Ben, Christian Z., Philipp, Kai - Food sponsored by Olivier Dobberkau and Boris Hinzer, Beer by Björn

The team's gratitude goes out to Olivier Dobberkau and Boris Hinzer who sponsored the food during the sprint days and AOE for opening their office to the sprinters.


Site package

Jigal van Hemert lets us know about his site package. The site package was subject of a workshop at T3DD14, where Jigal gave a demo of the concept of the "site package". A site package is an extension containing website configuration.

The two major advantages are:

  • easy to store in a versioning system (svn, git, ...)
  • for small sites it can act as a deployment method (upload new version in the extension manager and you're done)

The site package demo extension currently contains:

  • TypoScript
  • Page TSconfig
  • Fluid templates (also CSS, JS, fonts, images)
  • backend_layouts (plus a backend_layout provider to store them in files)
  • custom content elements (plus typolink and flexform viewhelpers)

The demo site is created with a site package and contains the extension documentation as page content.

Spam shield

During the T3O code sprint I had the pleasure to work together with Björn Jacob from Tritum on a concept for advanced more interactive commenting for typo3.org. The spam shield extension is used on typo3.org as well, mainly for commenting. I was amazed at how much love this extension receives from the Tritum guys and I asked Björn to give me some more info.

Björn writes that wt_spamshield originally developed by Alexander Kellner (in2code), the extension wt_spamshield was taken over by TRITUM in December 2012 and is maintained by Ralf Zimmermann and Björn Jacob ever since.

Apparently a job well done as downloads rose to 11.100 and they receive a lot of positive feedback.

On an irregular basis TRITUM holds coding nights, quite often sponsored, resulting in an even better versions with many new features. The anti-spam service supports sees an increasing number of other extensions and has a high code quality of 94%, a criteria for good work which is rather important to them - and of course for the users in the end.

Since the release of 1.3.0 is coming up, TRITUM is looking for feedback from the community. If you have any thoughts on which other extensions should be supported and which additional ways help fighting spam - go ahead and tell them (Twitter: @tritum).



So TYPO3 people 'This Week in TYPO3' will be vacationing for a few weeks and will be back end of August in full effect reporting on what is going on in the TYPO3 community and in the Association.

Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: http://typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.