The final release of TYPO3 Neos 1.2 is getting closer by the day. Members of the Neos team are working dedicated for the fourth week already to pump out the next version. a preview version is expected this coming Monday, December 1.

With beta1 still being fresh the team has made a beta2 of TYPO3 Neos available for testing. This second beta fixes many bugs and contains two important fixes for working with nodes.

The team needs support from the community to maintain their high pace and get to a solid 1.2 release. Please check out the scrum task board and help out reviewing.

The focus of this release is on bugfixes and improvements, but also marks the introduction of translation in Neos. Secondly, a great amount of work has been put into enhancing the author experience with a broad range of features, improvements and fixes. Of course clean up is always comes along with a new release.

Looking over the horizon of this coming release Rasmus Skjoldan, user experience designer of the project, asks for input on which direction dashboards for the next generation content management system should go. You can be part of this and your input is valued. Read more in 'GATHERING INPUT & IDEAS ON DASHBOARD FUNCTIONALITY FOR A CMS' on Rasmus's blog.

You can find a full overview of the changes in TYPO3 Neos 1.2 beta2 in the changelog of beta2.