TYPO3 has always had a great community with strong values. The community knows where it wants to go, but the direction has never been properly formalized and put into words as our project’s vision, mission, and purpose—until now.

For us in the Association Board, the TYPO3 Company, and the Core Team, having a clear vision, mission, and purpose for the project means we can have clear visions, missions, and purposes for our fields of responsibility as well. Those will form the basis for strategic decisions. 

(For the purpose of not repeating those words too many times, I’ll call vision, mission, and purpose VMP for the rest of this article.)

Read the TYPO3 Project Vision, Mission, and Purpose

Four Statements Based on One

During 2022, we initiated a process to address the issue and formulate VMP statements for all the areas where we are active. For now, the first step—a Project VMP—has been completed, but three more will follow in 2023. Here are the planned VMPs:

  • Project: The foundation VMP, encompassing the entire TYPO3 project. This has just been finished.
    • Product: The CMS product has its own VMP. It is based on the Project VMP.
    • Association: The TYPO3 Association also bases its VMP on that of the Project.
      • Company: Since it is a subsidiary of the Association, the TYPO3 Company’s VMP is based on the Association’s VMP.