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Mobile Apps

Maßgeschneidert für Prozesse und Funktionen bieten Apps in der heutigen Zeit eine große Rolle bei der Optimierung. Wir bieten Ihnen einen umfassenden Service bei der Konzeption und Realisierung Anwendungen (Nativ oder als Web App mit Phonegap).


We help you find the people you need for business. Online marketing concepts and plans are integrated thru workflows and processes.

360° showrooms

Enhance your business on google maps - and enable people to walk thru your showrooms and more.

Make it your own

This distribution is developed to help you getting an easy entry into TYPO3 CMS. It can be used as an example to play around or to kickstart your own projects.


Included features of the Introduction Package

  • TYPO3 CMS custom theme for Twitter Bootstrap
  • Customize the theme via LESS editor backend module
  • All Content Elements mapped to fit Twitter Bootstrap
  • Example additional content elements for carousel and accordion
  • All settings editable via the TypoScript constant editor
  • Responsive images enabled

News System

The versions 13.1.1, 12.4.15 and 11.5.37 of the…

It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is…

It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is…

It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is…

The TYPO3 Association has officially launched the…

The choice of an enterprise CMS should not be…

Young developers Lisa-Maria Schedlberger & Julia…